Having a Canon camera in your hands changes the way you think about photography. 

You see things differently. You're empowered to be more creative. You're confident of capturing a truly iconic photo. That's the Power of Canon. 
To bring this idea to life, we launched a platform to tell the stories behind some of the world's most iconic photos, shot on Canon. In the first of a planned series, we partnered with National Geographic Photographer of the Year, Jayaprakash Bojan, to retrace the steps he took to capturing one of 2017's most extraordinary photographs. 

Shot over 5 days in Tanjung Pinang National Park, Kalimantan, the film follows JP as he treks through harsh jungle terrain in search of an elusive orangutan. Through JP's story, we demonstrated the power and reliability of Canon cameras, and the crucial role they play in capturing an iconic shot. 

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